Stokes Croft Tesco about to reopen in Bristol with Chief Constable's support
Tony Gosling | 11.05.2011 00:22 | Globalisation
Avon & Somerset's corrupt firestarting Chief Constable Colin Port
In a democracy the people's will prevails.
In a fascist police state Tesco's shareholders' dividends prevail.
And Colin Port, before his decision to kick off two riots over Easter is properly looked into, has given Tesco the thumbs up.
With a track record now of riot chasing decisions like this how long will Colin Port last in his job?
Colin Port Is Corrupt - the evidence......
Police chief Colin Port forced to back down in hard drive stand-off
16 Jun 2009 ... A police chief has been forced to return 87 computer hard drives seized in a child abuse raid to a controversial expert witness.
Avon & Somerset Chief Constable Colin Port 'ruling by decree'
see also
Tony Gosling
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