Charlie Veitch, Soho Square Arrest and War!
Seriously Fucked Off Anarchist, Not Going To Take Much More, | 04.05.2011 01:34 | Globalisation | Repression | Social Struggles | Liverpool | World

People, if you haven't already, you need to 'wake the fuck up', dust of your poll-tax riot face mask or balaclava, get together with ya mates and fight like bastards because time is clearly running out...
Dont get me wrong, charlie and his missis probably aren't into violence - they're the love police for crying out loud, and a grand job they do as well - and therefore I am not trying to take anything away from the great work he and his crew do...But I'l tell you something for whatever it's worth - I'm fucking violent and I'm fucking proud of it, as my violence is that of revolutionary rage and intent, anger at the new world order and complete and utter determination to see the police infrastructure and the establishment it props up BURN TO THE FUCKING GROUND! I'm talking about property destruction, ok, so dont troll me about 'innocent passers by' like usual.....
wake the fuck up people, because the insurrection is coming and those that are willing and able need to get willing and able right fucking now, otherwise it will literally be too late.
I dont want to be alarmist, but how can you watch the above linked videos and not feel fear and anger and hatred for the system (particularly the pig-thugs arresting the dude in soho square) and how can anyone who calls themself a 'revolutionary' not want to burn the whole rotten system down to the fucking ground?
What defence is there for a system like this? That it keeps your lights on and your mortgage safe? That you need your valium on prescription? That you need your bin emptying?
For fucks sake people, those two videos - not to even mention thousands of others over the decades - are showing us exactly how the state intends to model the future world order! What justification could there possibly be for defending it?
smashing it can only be the solution now, fuck trying to harness public opinion about violence against property. With so much poison in the water, in the air and in the food, on the tele and radio and in the massmedia, the 'public' doesn't know its arse from its elbow...(which, sadly, includes alot of my loved ones and friends)
It's time for a great big fucking battle, insurrection, civil war, whatever you wanna call it......for time is surely running out, for us, the planet and all around...
solidarity to the charlies and 'dudes in soho square' of the world, because their oppression is my inspiration and call to arms........
Seriously Fucked Off Anarchist, Not Going To Take Much More,
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