2 Days til Brighton Mayday
maydayISTA | 28.04.2011 13:47 | Smash EDO | Globalisation | Public sector cuts | South Coast
Our lives are under attack.
Our future is being sacrificed to increase the power of an elite.
The bankers’ crisis is being used as an excuse to push through a far-right agenda of vicious cuts – cuts which will hurt the poorest and line the pockets of the rich. The NHS, Education and Welfare systems are being stripped back while the bankers are being paid million pound bonuses.
Their only answer to the disaster is more of the same, capitalism with the gloves off. More wars, more ecological devastation and we’re being asked to pay for it.
We are being robbed blind – it’s time to reclaim what is ours.
Mass party & protest. 30th April 2011. Central Brighton.
Expect a carnival atmosphere in the true tradition of May Day. Bring colour and noise, and be prepared to stay mobile. More details coming soon…
Brighton May Day
07950 889281
Brighton mayday zine at http://brightonmayday.files.wordpress.com/2011/04/zine-2.pdf