Demos in solidarity with Zapatista-initiated Other Campaign Prisoners
Martin O'Neill | 21.04.2011 20:36 | Zapatista
More Days of Action for the 5 prisoners of Bachajón
Sunday 24th April
Wellington Statue
East End of Princes Street
Thursday 28th April
12 noon - 2pm
Outside the Library
Glasgow University
Bachajón 5"
The Movement for Justice in El Barrio is making an urgent new call to
action for 5 more days of worldwide action in support of the five
remaining political prisoners from San Sebastian Bachajón. The new
days of action will be the 24th to the 28th April 2011.
On the morning of 8th April the compas from San Sebastian Bachajón
regained control of the tollbooth situated in their lands which marks the
entrance to the waterfalls of Agua Azul. This was another step for them
towards building their autonomy.
The following day, 9th April, over 800 state and federal police and troops
violently evicted them. Following this act of repression by the bad
government, 3 of the Other Campaign supporters disappeared. Once again the
government shows violence, brutality and repression. When the humble and
simple people organise autonomously towards dignity and against
displacement, the bad government responds with aggression and injustice.
Our 5 compañeros Jerónimo Guzmán Méndez, Domingo Perez Alvaro,
Domingo García Gómez, Juan Aguilar Guzmán and Mariano Demeza
Silvano remain political prisoners, hostages of the state, in horrible conditions.
They sent us a very moving letter recently, describing their daily reality. This affected us deeply and inspired us to continue struggling for their freedom. They are given food only once a day, with very little water. They are becoming ill as a result, but are given no medicines. They are not
allowed to have the food brought for them by their families. They are
forced to do 'humiliating' daily work, and are threatened with being put
in the punishment cell.
It is clear that all these acts of aggression are the result of the
organised resistance of the people of Bachajon, and of the national and
international pressure resulting from all our solidarity actions. "The bad
government are repressing us and continuing to pressurise us to hand over
our lands and natural resources". The World Organisation Against Torture
(OMCT) wrote recently in a letter that it feared that the threats and acts
of violence and repression by the government were due to the actions of
solidarity realised in support of the prisoners.
In spite of everything our brothers and sisters of San Sebastian Bachajón
continue to resist, and continue to move forward in their struggle. We
also must not give up. We must not rest until our 5 brothers are free and
the just demands of the community of Bachajón are respected.
We therefore propose:
1) That we remain alert and watchful, ready for emergency protests against
any acts of violence committed by the bad government against the
2) That we organise 5 more days of worldwide action for the Bachajon 5,
for freedom for the prisoners and in support of the dignified struggle of
the people of Bachajon to defend their lands and natural resources against
the rapacious greed of multinational corporations and their political
lackeys who want to take over the natural wealth of the territory of the
ejido. These days of action to take place on the 24th to 28th April 2011.
Sign the petition for the freedom of the prisoners of Bachajon (in English):

Urgent action to be sent to Mexican authorities (in Spansih):

Martin O'Neill