Bahraini protester dies under torture
gr | 15.04.2011 20:18 | Social Struggles | World
Abdul Kareem al-Fakhrawi
Abdul Kareem al-Fakhrawi
Abdul Kareem al-Fakhrawi
Abdul Kareem al-Fakhrawi
Abdul Kareem al-Fakhrawi
The captured demonstrators , captured after raid in the night in their homes , they are disappeared and are over 800 and there are evidence that systematically tortured. Already there are 4 deaths from torture ..! Characteristic is the case of Abdul Kareem al-Fakhrawi who was tortured to death. And all these happen and under the nose and blessing of the Americans and of the other Europeans that gathered next Qatar .. to discuss Libya and the 'enforcement" of democracy there. The executions and torture are on the daily agenda in Bahrain as well as the use of nerve gases against the demonstrators where they experiment new agents against demonstrations. There are many cases of people in hospitals with paralysis and respiratory failure.
I am surprised of the veil of silence around this issue .. even by "progressive" organizations and the Left, which once again has shown two standard reflexes as for the human rights issues. Besides, Hillary has said .. "For us Bahrain is important is the fifth fleet is there ". It is no coincidence that the green light for Saudi Arabian invasion in Bahrain has been given by the U.S. government. In the photos Abdul Kareem al-Fakhrawi after he was arrested by the police and died from tortures. In the photos are visible signs of torture
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