Oxford February/March Bumper Double Roundup
LongDarkTeaTimeOfTheRevolution | 14.04.2011 10:29 | Anti-militarism | Bio-technology | Ecology | Public sector cuts | Oxford
This February and March double roundup of grassroots news in Oxford begins with the anti-cuts movement. Back in February there was a March against the cuts, then in March, Cornmarket turned into the Big Society Hospital. A week later the big TUC march bought London to a standstill, one Oxfordian wrote My march for the alternative about the day. Please do share your experiences of demos at publish your news by the way! Not to be outdone both Swindon and Stroud were also organising against the cuts.
Volunteer doctors - Lansley might just feel a small prick
Food and Resistence
Resistence was on the menu as Oxford Food Not Bombs launched regular street meals in Oxford and gave out food outside McDonalds. Meanwhile Anti-GM protesters targeted the Cowley Road Tesco who are selling various genetically modified products.
Other News…
In other news, the NGO types had a chinwag about Activism and Slacktivism, Lockheed Martin's Census involvement was satirised, AWE Aldermaston was invaded by Domestic Extremists (or was it Goddesses?), and OARC screened films about the poll tax riots.