x26radio Archive from March 26th
anon@indymedia.org (Interferer) | 28.03.2011 20:23
x26radio broadcast all day on March 26th for the demonstrations in London against the cuts. It was a collaboration between a number of radical radio, news and tech projects around the UK including Dissident Island, Radio Interference, London, Bristol and Northern Indymedia and ucrony.net
If you want to listen to the show, see the archived files at the following URL's.
10am-2pm : http://london.indymedia.org/articles/8359
2pm-5pm : http://london.indymedia.org/articles/8377
5pm-6pm: http://london.indymedia.org/articles/8402
anon@indymedia.org (Interferer)
Original article on IMC Northern England: