Last min legal advice for Saturday
GBC & LDMG | 24.03.2011 18:44 | Sheffield
Bindmans Solicitors: 020 7833 4433
Hodge Jones and Allen: 07659 111 192
Green and Black Cross and LDMG are teaming up this Saturday sporting orange bibs to legal observe the demonstration and feeder marches. This means we will be keeping an eye on what the police get up to and we'll be there to provide solid advice that aims to support protesters and a diversity of tactics. However we're not the only ones..
Be wary of Liberty legal observers
GBC and LDMG are advising caution when dealing with Liberty's untrained legal observers in green bibs. Liberty are working closely with police in the run up to and during the demonstration and are willing to testify against the actions of protesters.
Key messages on the day TELL ALL YOUR FREINDS!
1.NO COMMENT to all police questions. There is no such thing as a friendly chat with police. All information can be used against you or the demonstration and this movement. It is almost never in your interest to answer police questions in an interview.
2.GIVE NO DETAILS IN A STOP AND SEARCH Never consider giving any details to Police unless you are arrested and are inside a police station. This is strongly advised as the general rule to go by, but for more complex break down see
3.USE A GOOD SOLICITOR We recommend Bindmans 02078334433 who have worked well with us and protesters in the past. Alternatively we can also recommend Birnberg Pierce 020 7911 0166 and Hodge Jones and Allen 07659 111 192
IF YOU ARE ARRESTED COME MEET OTHERS AFTERWARDS We have arrange a defendant debrief/support meeting the following Saturday, 2pm at ULU (Room 2c).
Lastly, don't rely on GBC LDMG legal observers to be ever present! We will have 50 + trained legal observers out on the day. Although this is amazing and we will try to cover all flash points and areas of the demonstrations it's not likely to be enough, so please remember our key messages, call us if you witness an arrest/assault, write the legal phone numbers on your arm and tell your friends.
Good luck!
Solidarity with the arrested and the accused!
All power to the protest!