Rotherham BNP Candidate Resigns
sheffieldlib | 21.03.2011 03:00 | Anti-racism | Social Struggles | Sheffield
This article will not follow the patterns of previous articles relating to the young man due to the nature of the story and it's important to note that nothing libellous; derogatory or inflammatory will be typed in the following news which has come from reliable sources and are verified. Much of the information posted on Mr. Holmes' own FB page.
Tom Holmes, 26, formerly from the Parish of Aston-cum-Aughton (Holderness Ward), Rotherham, has publicly announced "Due to personal circumstances and moving away from Rotherham, with no plans to return, I hereby resign from Rotherham BNP and standing down as representative & candidate for the Holderness Ward. Once I'm settled here, I may stand for the BNP here in next year's locals. There's no local branch here, so may even start one!"
SheffieldLib noticed a comment on Lancaster Unity referring to Holmes: "Nick Griffins' number one bestest fan Tom Holmes is 'staying at the crisis centre for a while, they're helping me with my medication'" and subsequently investigated the reasons for his stay at a "Crisis Centre".
It has come to light that in the early hours of Tuesday 8th of this month Holmes attempted to take his life. The full details of his massive overdose are unknown but Holmes has made references to morphine; codeine and tramadol on his Facebook on numerous occasions and posts circulating the forums he has frequented for many numbers of years and about his penchant for opiates are abound.
After ringing Rotherham General Hospital, Ward B, to inquire about Holmes' admission they would not make any detailed comment but did confirm that Holmes was in hospital between Tuesday and Thursday due to a massive overdose and was discharged into the care of social workers.
Holmes was admitted into the said "Crisis Centre" by these social workers. SheffieldLib has identified the "Crisis Centre" as Cedar House, Rotherham. It seems to be a mostly charity-run mental health organisation working with high risk and/or vulnerable people and the stay is a set seven days, after which the patient is discharged back into care of family or a mental health wing of a Hospital based on their "assessment".
Holmes has made no public statement or reason for his suicide attempt, his only comment regarding the whole situation being: "I'm staying at the crisis centre for a while, they're helping me with my medication and look for a flat to get away from my normal environment which is a good thing, but I don't have access to my computer (at cyber cafe atm) but will pop on as often as I can!"
SheffieldLib would also like to state that upon investigating Lancaster Unity's reference to his stay at a "Crisis Centre" we initially thought it was Holmes being his usual mouth-piece, all-front self. After knowing the truth we would like to offer our sincere apologies for any excess pressure we applied on Tom who we've always suspected of being mentally unstable and deeply disturbed anyway as noted in previous articles numerous occasions.
We would like to repeat our statement that we were never after a witch hunt or libel - only reporting local news on the far-right. Holmes made his presence very loud and clear and with two of Sheffield Liberation's members actually residing in Holderness we reported fairly and accurately within context to try and force Mr. Holmes to realise that the far-right is not a fun playground to play around in just for the sake of attention and notoriety.
We e-mailed Holmes prior to writing this article to inquire about his condition; apologise if our previous article had anything to do with his decision to take his life and to ask if there was any comment he would like to make. Holmes replied "I'm fine, thank you for asking." after typing a few sentences demanding to know how we gained our information and asking us if a 'Chris Cole' is one of the spies we have on several BNP members pages, he droned and ranted and drivelled on in his usual charming manner:
"It had nothing to do with any of the articles. I simply suffered a bad nervous break down after the trauma of my ex fiancee cheating on me, Gran dying, Graddad being diagnosed with cancer and put on palliative care, my auntie unfairly dropping all care work responsibilities of my Granddad and my uncle who suffers from cerebral palsy on me without no respite being denied a healthy social life, one of my best friends who I loved, admired and looked up to completely turning on me and backstabbing me which led to the whole "OMG Tom Holmes fell inlove with someone he thought was older than what she actually was what a crime! scandal" and on top of that I was the victim of racial discrimination by Rotherham Borough Council, they refused me a flat because I was white.
So no. Nothing to do with silly articles or the UAF or HopeNotHate or SheffieldLib which ever one you are. Having anti-British thugs such as those yobs of Unite Against Freedom spout complete tosh about you comes with the territory of being a proud, law-abiding Nationalist who only wants fair play and Democracy returned to the shores of Britain. I'm not a Fascist or a Nazi - if I was I'd be in the National Front, British First Party, British Freedom Party or Unite Against Freedom.
I'm fighting the same war now that my Great Granddad fought those 70 years ago, fighting against oppression of freedom of speech, fighting against the blatant breach of human rights, and fighting for our right to survive. "
As is clear from Holmes' rant we gathered that he is doing much better. Though he has resigned from Rotherham BNP and stood down as Holderness candidate, which ever area he has now moved to need to beware that this may not be the last time we see Holmes within the political arena of the far-right as the following quote from his Facebook reveal with Holmes being very careful not to reveal his new; currently unknown location:
"I was going to return to my ward for the May elections, as I hate abandoning my people, but to be honest the trip there and back is a long way and it's not fair me standing for a local candidate if I don't even live in the ward I'm st...anding for - that's something Lib-Lab-Con does, not the BNP. I was originally going to Thurcroft, but got an offer to move further away from Rotherham, for mental health reasons TBH. I'm going to take a hiatus from politics while I 'recover' and settle down properly in my new area - but I'll be back, and I'll setup a local branch as this town doesn't have one!"
It is not thought that Holmes has resigned his membership of the BNP; only his candidate-ship; and blatantly retains the same far-right rhetoric even after his ordeal. None of the doctors that saved his life must have been Asian!
Tom Holmes also appears to be pro-Gaddafi; which seems odd to us considering his earlier rant of merely being a crusader of Democracy!
"This "No Fly Zone" in Libya. Politicians say they're simply enforcing a no fly zone, and Libya its self is not being attacked. Then how come the news just showed a road full of Libyan tanks and soldiers blown up, maimed & dead from coalition attacks? No wonder Gadaffi isn't afraid, if he's got flying tanks and jet-pack soldiers!"
Tom Holmes obviously is still as big Nick Griffin fan as always:
"Perhaps if we had a Nationalist government, and Nick Griffin as Prime Minister, we'd have the military capacity to flex our muscles in front of Gadaffi. But even then, we should limit sending our boys to war when it's in British interests, and I fail to see what a Libyan civil war has to do with us when we're fighting a civil war ourselves against millions of foreign invaders and a corrupt tyrannical government!"
And following in his leader's footsteps, advocating a large military in a world where large militaries are not needed with open borders; allies; coalitions and global Democracy.
What ever we think of Tom's views and opinions we do acknowledge the state of his mental health and believe that the far-right is merely a playground for him to play in as "a bit of a laugh" and his mental health issues could explain his penchant for the far-right; his demi-god idolisation of Nick Griffin and irratic behaviour. Certainly, nobody could ever accuse Tom of being a serious politician.
We are anti-Fascists not anti-people. We don't hate anybody. We simply disagree with the far-right and if anything disagree with what the far-right does to people like above: brainwash and destroy.
Personal FB page
Personal website/blog
Rotherham General Hospital
Cedar House, Moorgate, Rotherham
Lancaster Unity
ED: SheffieldLib always complies with IndyMedia policy and would never willingly breach it. As such deleted article has been revised and re-submitted.
Racist quotes snipped.
Contact information snipped.
Pure opinion snipped.
Quotes of swearing snipped.
Large portion of e-mail copy/paste snipped.