Abused by psyop
abused by psyop | 11.03.2011 04:53 | Anti-militarism | Bio-technology | Technology | World
They have been using ULF and VLF microwave radio technology to invoke remote viewing from as low as 7hz frequency reading my brain thoughts, 3rd voice and my visual sight..using BRAIN WAVE FREQUENCY
I have been suffering 24 hrs a day , 7 days a week by 8 operational staff at Headquarters Hutton.The staff have said this is personally being authorised by the Chief Constable and overseen by his Hierarchy whom has been authorising deployment of the force helicopter.
With the aid of Lrad and ulf/vlf broadcasting equipment using microwave rf signals currently deployed covertly for crowd control in the UK Constabulary i am able to hear sounds as low as below 20hz which is rare in human sound abilities but i am able to hear them which was how they managed to abuse me with conditioning and phsycology torment stating " We want you to be a special person".
I have been previously employed by the Constabulary .
I have been made to use my experience to remote view vehicle registrations (PNC) and forced to look for crime in Lancashire through pain methods by being given severe headaches and pain to the body which is also administered through psyops system due to the brains neurons signals operating at low frequency signals this enables them to apply pain compliance and conditioning. These non lethal weapons have been bannned for use by the European parliament legislation.
(please view link)
I have covered all of Lancashire under their influence and constant harassment.I have apparently uncovered a Terrorist cell in Blackburn in June 2010 when carrying out sURVEILLANCE OPS from my vehicle in LILFORD RD CORPORATION PARK Blackburn near Town centre and at approx 02:00hrs-03:00hrs a blue 4 door bmw 3 series with 3 or 4 asian males on board.
Whilst carrying out stationary covert observations i witnessed an Asian male who was circling the area aged 25-35yrs wearing a modern flat cap type hat with dark leather jacket and slim build frequenting the area between 01:00hrs - 02:30hrs , who i was told was of interest to the Terrorist unit of New Scotland Yard, THIS WAS ON OR BETWEEN 29TH MAY 2010 ALL WEEKEND AND 5TH/6TH JUNE 2010
The same weekends i witnessed a single white male wearing dark clothing and black hooded jacket waist length aged between 35-55 years 6ft approx whom was loitering suspiciously around the gated area of Eastpark road on the hill opposite Lilford road at the same times and dates this was also good obs of what appeared to be a possable known sex offender or attacker, whom i witnessed loitering in the shadows of the park and eastpark road
I also witnessed a white Nissan/Toyota vehicle IN WHITE with a black bonnet , 2 asian males on board collecting a 3rd who was waiting at a bus shelter near Fire Hq a6 on A6 FULWOOD PRESTON EST 21:00 HRS IN LATE MAY 2010.
At Forton services in June/july 2010 i witnessed a young male of 12-14 years old with a male aged around 35 years old whom appeared to of left the boy in the car park outside of the vehicle , the boy was or appeared to be of special needs and would require a guardian or supervision , they made off Northbound M6 , again this was at the time reported to be good intel.
The corrupt group of people at Lancashire Constabulary using Psyop consists of 4 females and 4 males with 1 Male Superintendant and poss one female Chief Inspector.
1 female is aged around 35 Two of the staff are aged 39/40 years old 2 female and poss 1 male went to Our lady and saint Edwards primary school and Our lady's High ( St.Cuthbert Mayne RC ) this had been stated by them , the youngest female aged around 35yrs has quoted names of .............................................st cuthbert mayne friends.
All 8 staff have been in a static location for at least 2 years now at Hutton HQ or a Ops room which again has been confirmed by the staff whom have acknowledged my minds thoughts of the locations at HQ.
The helicopter ON99 has been deployed and authorised by a person within the Psyop team over 30 times since Sept 2009 over my home address , , (please requests flight logs as such for Sept 2009 onwards 2010 including 2011) the last time being March 1st around 03:00 hrs. Whomever has authorised the deployments has been actively involved in this operation.
abused by psyop