New Student Occupation - Bedford Square (rhacc) | 26.02.2011 03:35 | London
A group of student Anti Cuts activists have occupied Royal Holloway's premises on Bedford Square in central London.
They have reclaimed the space to use as a centrally located hub for all student anti cuts groups to organize and hold events! If you’re in the vicinity pop in and show your support!!
11 bedford square, corner of montague place and gower street.
In related news ucl pi reports on the UCL line regarding the other occupation that started yesterday at the end of the dayx4 protests - see below. The UCL refectory occupation held a general meeting last night to discuss demands. The next general meeting is 11am Saturday - stay up to date here: +
"The College is already underway in putting a stop to the occupation that began in the Old Refectory last night.
The court order obtained by the College in December 2010 to evict occupiers of the Jeremy Bentham Room did not cover the whole building. A UCL spokesperson told Pi: ‘UCL will need another court order to secure this eviction, and we are currently discussing with our lawyers how best to go about this…we intend to secure the court order as soon as enable normal working to resume.’" (rhacc)
Original article on IMC London: