Irish Elections: Ciaron, Christian @narchist - Address to the Irish People!
Dublin Catholic Worker | 19.02.2011 07:58
YOUTUBE part 1
part 2
Ciaron is running, not standing, in the Irish elections.
He's running right up to the elections and running right past them!
These are the basic election campaign policies......
- we sent Bradley Manning through Shannon Airport to war on Iraq. He is accused of exposing war crimes while in Iraq
and is now being tortured in Quantiaco, Vriginia/USA. The last place Bradley was before stepping foot in a war zone, and probably a lifetime in prison, was Shannon Airport, Ireland. Let's bring Bradley back to Ireland and offer him sanctuary and Irish citizenship!
Grant Bradley Manning Irish citizenship.
- let's demilitarise Shannon Airport! Most U.S. troops that went to invade and occupy Iraq went through the small departure lounge at Shannon Airport on the west coast of Ireland. Some departed to kill and be killed, some to be scarred for life with post traumatic stress. 4,000 returned in body bags, 10,000 with injuries they will never recover from and another 20,000 with injuries they should recover from. According to the Lancet Report, these young Americans killed over 1 million Iraqis (mostly women and children), we owe all these people an apology and to shutdown the U.S. military base at Shannon Airport!
- when they offer you two choices Fianne Fail and Fine Gael
......always choose the thrid!
Think and act outside the box!
Let's have an economic life based on satisfying human needs and not private profit!
Let's, "Live simply so all may simply live!"
Dublin Catholic Worker