Lambeth Town Hall #anticuts protest, report & pics (maqui-px) | 08.02.2011 09:18 | London
Up to 200 people gathered this evening outside Lambeth Town Hall following a call by Lambeth Save Our Services, to protest against the cuts that Lambeth Council is planning to impose to the local community as part of their 'austerity budget'. The protest started at 6pm right at the doorsteps of the council's building. People representing the different services that face the axe spoke to the crowd about how the cuts will affect Lambeth residents, people chanted slogans against the cuts, and eventually around 100 people were allowed into the buiding to attend the cabinet meeting where the cuts were being debated [see pics and video of the protest]
Those that didn't go into the building stood outside the town hall for a while longer. At some point a backpack sound system arrived playing a mixture of hip hop and roots tunes, and around 80 people quickly moved onto the street and blocked both Brixton Rd and Brixton Hill amidst loud chanting of "they say cut back, we say fight back!". The traffic was paralised for about 15 minutes until the police moved people back onto the pavement. People then stood in Brixton Oval for a while, but suddenly the crowd quickly moved up the road, crossed into Brixton Hill and blocked it once again. Some drivers become quite agitated at this point, but the crowd stood their ground until the police moved people back onto the pavement. The crowd then went back to the Council building doorsteps, stood there for a while longer listening to reggae tunes ... and slowly dispersed [See Tumbles 1 | 2 | 3 | 4 | 5 | 6 | 7 | 8]
Here there are some pics (apologies for the images low quality but the camera used was crap under low light conditions)
For information of further protests at Lambeth Council's cuts budget keep and eye to IMC London's calendar of events and check Lambeth Save Our Services website. (maqui-px)
Original article on IMC London: