Bad day for anti fascists in Luton
Zac | 07.02.2011 17:26
True numbers, from someone who was actually there, were aprox 250 anti fascists, 3000 EDL.
The numbers of anti fascists at each EDL demo seems to be getting smaller.
The Sikhs against the EDL rally, shown on Lancaster Unity, shows a very close up picture of the demo. If a broader picture was shown, it will have highlighted about 70 people there.
I should know, I was there.
It was the EDL's day, painful as it is to say that.
We were openly mocked by some of them for our small numbers.
Never been that keen on the police, but I was glad they were there in such big numbers, for personal safety reasons.
Kidding ourselves, that it was a 'victory', is just stupid, and will achieve nothing.