Hunt saboteurs attacked on Crawley and Horsham hunt
Lee Moon | 07.02.2011 11:59 | Animal Liberation | Social Struggles | South Coast
Horsham Fox Hunt At Wiston, near Ashington, West Sussex. This hunt is
under police investigation after being caught on film after killing a fox.
The saboteurs were the subject of the usual threats and attacks by the
hunt followers during the day, which included driving vehicles and horse
at speed at people, and one attempt to break a vehicles window to attack
the driver, which was caught on video and is now the subject of a police
At around 2.30 the hunt was found with the huntsman on foot encouraging
the hounds onto a fox, in clear breach of the Hunting Act. Saboteurs
intervened in the field leaving a small number filming the events from the
road. Those left on the road were the subject of attacks by officials of
the hunt and foot followers, culminating in a vicious attack on one Hunt
Saboteur by a mounted rider and four hunt supporters, who was hit
repeatedly around the head and a horse was ridden into him. The police in
attendance responded by pepper spraying all involved in the fray
regardless of guilt or innocence.
Video footage was seized by police from both parties and an investigation
is underway.
Lee Moon, spokesperson for the Hunt Saboteurs Association said: Hunts
feel they can break the law with impunity and when we try to intervene we
are violently attacked. The Crawley and Horsham hunt are already being
investigated for killing a fox and it is time the police stepped in and
stopped this blatant law breaking rather than us having to do their job
for them.
Lee Moon
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