20% of taxpayer funding for ex-nazi's visit came from fund protected from cuts and intended for the most needy in the world, such as those in countries torn apart by ratzinger's anti-condom good news.
It has emerged that nearly £2m of overseas aid money was spent on the Pope's visit to UK last year. The overseas development aid budget is one of the few areas of government ringfenced by the coalition for protection from cuts. This is a key promise that has won them back some support in the face of the hideous cuts being forced upon the welfare state. And now it emerges that 20% of the £10m spent by the government on bringing AIDS' best friend over here was plucked from that very budget.
Needless to say, if a benefit 'cheat' had stolen £2m from the state there'd be repressive jail sentences and urgent action such as new laws. So in the spirit of fairness the MPs responsible for this issue are demanding that government ministers "explain exactly what this was spent on and how it tallies with our commitments on overseas aid". One rule for us ...