Solidarity With The Egyptian Uprising [1]
info@bristolstopwar | 31.01.2011 21:22
Meet on the Centre, opposite the Hippodrome at 5pm on Tuesday February 1st.
Egypt has been a cornerstone of the US "war on terror" and America's strategy for dominating the Middle East and denying justice to the Palestinians. Not for nothing is Egypt second only to Israel in the amount of US aid it receives, including $1.3 billion a year for the security forces alone--the same forces who have killed dozens of protesters in the last few days and injured thousands more. Under President Mubarak Egypt has been a US client state for decades. If his tyranny is overthrown the implications are momentous. Not just in the Middle East but even further afield, including the major theatres of war in Afghanistan, Pakistan and Iraq.
One of the justifications for the invasion of Iraq was that it was the only way to get rid of a dictator. The Egyptian people this week, following the Tunisians earlier in the month, have shown they have their own ways. Not only have they risen in opposition to their corrupt rulers but they are also taking on the US and British governments who backed those rulers for so long.
Tomorrow (February 1st) a demonstration of a million people is expected in Cairo and a general strike. Join Bristol Stop The War Coalition and Bristol Palestine Solidarity Campaign to show your support for the people of Egypt in their struggle for democracy and an end to the Mubarak dictatorship.
| Full article | Robert Fisk article 'A People Defies Its Dictator, A Nation's future Is In The Balance' | "The people want the regime to fall" Reports from the Egyptian uprising
Original article on IMC Bristol: