White Hat Report #7
The White Hats | 09.01.2011 22:19 | Indymedia | Cambridge
A man who fought to get the Vietnam Veterans Memorial built and served in two Bush administrations was murdered, Delaware police say. John P. Wheeler III, 66, was found dead in a Delaware landfill, and his death has been ruled a homicide by Newark, Del., police.
Wheeler’s body was found in Wilmington on Friday after a disposal truck containing his body made pickups in Newark. Police believe Wheeler’s body had been placed inside one of the bins in Newark before a disposal truck arrived.
Wheeler, who lived in New Castle, was chairman of the Vietnam Veterans Memorial Fund during the Ronald Reagan era. He also held many sensitive high-profile government positions after graduating from West Point in 1966.
Mr. Wheeler throughout his career was on assignment with the Secretary of Defense and was so highly thought of he received a special citation for exceptionally meritorious service to the United States as the Special Assistant to the Secretary of the Air Force, the Pentagon, Washington, D.C. From 3 November 2005 to 20 June 2008.
In 2008, Mr. Wheeler was the Special Assistant to the Acting Assistant Secretary of the Air Force for Installations, Logistics and Energy. In 2009, Mr. John Wheeler was asked to be a “Consultant” to the Mitre Corporation.
Mitre Corporation has four (4) major areas of significance within the confines of the Federal Government including the Department of Defense, Homeland Security, the Central Intelligence Agency and National Security Agency. Those areas of influence are: Aviation System Development, Defense and Intelligence, and Homeland Security. Mitre Corporation employs 7000, 65% of whom have Masters or PH.D., many of whom are full time scientists.
The Mitre Corporation website states:
“The MITRE Corporation is a not-for-profit organization chartered to work in the public interest. As a national resource, we apply our expertise in systems engineering, information technology, operational concepts, and enterprise modernization to address our sponsors’ critical needs”.
“MITRE manages Federally Funded Research and Development Centers (FFRDCs): one for the Department of Defense (known as the DoD Command, Control, Communications and Intelligence FFRDC), one for the Federal Aviation Administration (the Center for Advanced Aviation System Development), one for the Internal Revenue Service and U.S. Department of Veterans Affairs (the Center for Enterprise Modernization), and one for the Department of Homeland Security (the Homeland Security Systems Engineering and Development Institute). MITRE also has its own independent research and development program that explores new technologies and new uses of technologies to solve our sponsors’ problems in the near-term and in the future”.
1. What did Wheeler know in his special positions that would have gotten him killed? We have just verified that the Carlyle Group (Bush Seniors boys) has a facility contract for the Pine Bluff Arsenal storage, which contains chemical warfare materials, whose mishandling may have caused the death of 5000 birds and 100,000 fish?
2. What is the connection between Wheeler, Mitre Corporation, Department of Defense and the Carlyle Group?
3. What information did Wheeler, a highly credentialed chemical weapons expert, have on the Pine Bluff Arsenal, and the environmental catastrophe? Did Wheeler have information he was about to reveal and was silenced?
The Obama “Undocumented Worker” question (missing (hidden) long-form birth certificate) is on the Supreme Court’s docket for Conference on January 7th. The background of this case, in short, is this: About 18 months ago, at a college appearance of the Chief Justice, Dr. Orly Taitz confronted John Roberts with a suitcase of 350,000 signatures from World Net Daily and other data, asking the Supreme Court to hear the complaints about Obama’s legitimacy, since he was not vetted. Roberts promised her publicly that he would review the information.
It appears that Roberts kept his promise and the info is going before all 9 Justices on January 7th. All of the previous cases have been denied for lack of ‘Standing’ or being frivolous. Without the Court’s intervention, Obama and the Gangster’s will run by Administrative fiat; as a Dictator with the Congress being but a gnat buzzing around his head. The Court can remove his ‘head’ (Authority) and the rule of law can be restored. Everyone must send letters or telephone call the Supreme Court to encourage the Chief Justice to be pro-active in forcing Obama to produce his long-form birth certificate and answer other Interrogatories. The address for Chief Justice Roberts is as follows:
Chief Justice John Roberts
Supreme Court of the United States
One First Street N.E.
Washington, D.C. 20543
General Inquiry: 202-479-3000
Clerks Office: 202-479-3011
As of January 4th, 2011, Falcone and his attorneys have hand delivered to each Senator and Representative a package of information containing detailed information outlining all the facts that have been reported to date along with additional details. This includes the payoffs to Biden, the theft of funds from Falcone. The Congress will have in their possession all the information and documentation they will need to initiate inquiries and pursue justice. The challenge to the 112th Congress will begin the day they are sworn in and take the oath to the Constitution.
Make no mistake; VP Biden’s Chief of Staff Ron Klain resigned yesterday. The reason for his untimely resignation is due to the pressure on Biden’s position becoming untenable. It’s apparent that even the Administration’s attempt to save Biden by putting him in charge of the new nuclear arms treaty with Russia has failed. This should force Biden’s resignation. The sooner the better.
With Press Secretary Gibes resignation today, the current president’s resignation and/or removal from office cannot be far behind. Obama has interfered again with the delivery of the Global Settlement packages by misdirecting TSA to stop the FedEx deliveries.
We will be watching Washington D.C. Next week anticipating new information to bring light on further corruption and future resignations. We wish our best to the 112th Congress, and were happy to hear they will be reading the full text of the US Constitution on the floor when the session begins on January 6th.
The White Hats