Southend Anti Cuts Demo Sunday 12th December
Southend Against The Cuts | 08.12.2010 23:39 | Social Struggles | Workers' Movements | Cambridge
‘Southend Against The Cuts’ march gathers pace
Local campaign group, ‘Southend Against The Cuts’, plans to hold a march and rally in Southend on Sunday 12th December.
The protest will assemble at Farringdon Car Park at 12 noon, moving off to a rally outside the Odeon at Victoria Circus from 1pm.
Demonstrators will demand ‘Stop The Cuts – Defend Our Public Services’ and will be taking their message to the Christmas shopping crowds in Southend High Street.
Delegations are expected from many groups including local teachers, college lecturers, council and civil service workers. Campaigns such as 'Keep Our NHS Public' and a group opposed to the closure of mental health day centres have also promised support.
A rally at Victoria Circus will hear from a wide range of speakers. They include many local trade unionists, students from Essex University and national and regional officials from Unison, the PCS civil servants union and National Union of Teachers. National speakers from the 'Right To Work' campaign and the 'Coalition of Resistance' will also be addressing the protest.
A local organiser commented:
“Even a few weeks ago, it looked as though the government were getting away with their attacks on public spending. People seemed to feel there was nothing we could do in the face of plans for unprecented cuts in funding for public services.
"Today, students and tax protestors have changed all that. University, college and school students have shown imagination, anger and militancy in putting the fight against tuition fees on the front pages and causing a real crisis for the government. No one thought that could happen.
"We've also seen groups like 'UK Uncut' carrying on a guerilla campaign of protest against the big companies and retail chains who dodge tax while we are asked to accept cuts to jobs, pay and services.
"Our protest in Southend hopes to start bringing some of that spirit to the local fight against the government's austerity policies.
"A realy wide coalition of people and groups is coming together to build our campaign. The march and rally in Southend is just one step on the way to mobilising a movement that can challenge the government's devastating programme of unfair, unnecessary and useless cuts.
"They try to say that we're all in it together. We'd point out that in 2009, the richest 1% of people in Britain increased their wealth by £77 billion, yet we're told we must sacrifice everything from affordable education to a decent public health service.
"In Ireland, trade unions went along with the cuts and all they've got in return is yet another round of austerity. We mustn't make the same mistake. We will be pushing for a huge local turnout to the TUC's national demonstration on 26th March, but we also ask people to join us now, come on the Southend protest on Sunday 12th December and help us say 'Enough is Enough'."
Southend Against The Cuts