CIA forces website to remove clandestine spy center information?
Von Helman | 26.11.2010 02:00 | Anti-militarism | Indymedia | Other Press | World
This story first appeared on another site which I bookmarked so I could return and read when I wasn’t so occupied but only a day later the entire page mysteriously disappeared overnight. Below is the link to the site that had posted the article where the page is no longer found. I scanned through the archives and still couldn’t find it on their site.
Trying to reach the site for a comment was a task which proved fruitless proved as there didn’t appear to me to be a way to contact the owners to verify that the page in fact had been removed.
Therefore I searched the World Wide Web and found the story elsewhere and decided to save a copy to my hard driver in the event it also disappeared from other sites.
With the approval of Felipe Calderón’s Administration, the U.S. Government finally got what it always wanted: To set up a super spy center in Mexico City. It was the escalation of the drug war in the country what opened the door to all U.S. intelligence agencies, including the military, to operate out of the Federal District without having to disguise their agents as diplomats.
The establishment of the Office of Bi-national Intelligence (OBI) was authorized by Calderon, after negotiations with Washington, which began under the government of his predecessor, Vicente Fox Quesada. The creation of the super spy center was authorized by the director of the Center for Investigation and National Security (CISEN), Guillermo Valdés Castellanos, without taking into account any objections from the Mexican military.
Through the OBI, Calderon has given the green light to U.S. Intelligence agents to spy on organized crime syndicates and drug cartels. They can also spy on Mexican government agencies, including the Secretariat of National Defense, Navy, and the diplomatic missions in Mexico.
The building headquarters, which includes offices from the Pentagon, the Central Intelligence Agency (CIA), the Federal Bureau of Investigation (FBI), the Departments of Justice, Homeland Security, and the U.S. Department of Treasury is located at 265 Paseo de la Reforma Avenue, approximately 250 meters from the U.S. embassy.
The most significant presence at the OBI building is that of the Pentagon, which includes the Defense Intelligence Agency (DIA), the National Reconnaissance Office (NRO) and the National Security Agency (NSA). It is followed by the U.S. Department of Justice, also with three agencies: the FBI, the Drug Enforcement Agency (DEA) and Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco, Firearms and Explosives (ATF).
With two services, there is the Department of Homeland Security: Coast Guard Intelligence (CGI) and the Bureau of Customs and Immigration Enforcement (ICE), while the Treasury Department has officers of the Bureau of Intelligence on Terrorism and Financial Affairs (TFI) .
In addition, the OBI opened two remote offices: one in Ciudad Juarez and one in Tijuana, housing U.S. agents and “task force commanders” who coordinate operations against drug trafficking with the support of Mexican Government personnel.
It is not known how many intelligence agents from the U.S. are operating in Mexico with the authorization of the Mexican Federal Government, since the creation of this center was announced on August 31st. They maintain that the exact number is “classified.”[/quote]
If this article disappears from the web or if this site is contacted by the authorities s asked to remove it then it will be posted in its entirety
Combined with another thread on that has had almost one million hits
It should be clear to everyone reading these two threads that the US government is out for keeps in the goal of world domination through all avenues.
It also needs to be noted that the original articles all appeared in Spanish text in Mexican newspapers but not in the US MSM press that I found
Von Helman
Staff Writer
Von Helman