Activist Hospitalised by Cops at Bristol Student Demo
Anarcho | 24.11.2010 17:22 | Public sector cuts
Bristol University occupied, 4000 on the streets, police arrest and assault students to maintain their order.
After initial fears from organisers that todays Student demo was going to be a damp squib, these concerns were waylaid as between 2000 and 4000 students and supporters took to the streets of Bristol.
The march did not stop at Wills Memorial as planned and instead moved into the city centre. As the police tried to contain the march groups split off in different directions. Bristol university union has been occupied and when all entrances were sealed by the police on the order of the uni president, activists broke through police lines and stormed the building.
We received reports of groups of students being kettled and attacked by Police outside wills memorial, the city centre and on college green.
On arriving at college green we found students and activists breaking out of kettles and scattering into the side streets.
An attempt was made to occupy the Council building but were held back by police who kettles and searched protestors.
Witnesses say as one protester was leaving the area he was set upon by three police men using their batons and fists. Comrades have taken him to the BRI with concerning injuries to his wrist.
We are aware of at least two arrests but have not further details at this point
With both our universities occupies and 4000 on the streets Bristol looks set be a major flashpoint for the movement.
An injury to one is an injury to all. Show solidarity in any way you can.
We have comrades in the occupations and the BRI but have no information about arrestees at this time but there is nobody gathered outside Trinity.
More information as we receive it.
Original article on IMC Bristol: