Resist Cardiac Arrest
Jeremy Schanche | 17.11.2010 00:22
Horrified by the global escalation in the use of such devices as cattle-prods and stun-guns a movement was formed in the far West of Britain and unleashed from the cliffs of Lands End on 6th February 2010...
Greetings to all Human Rights workers. The campaign RESIST CARDIAC ARREST' was created to oppose the proliferation of weapons of electro-coercion, torture and Death. We support the findings of the United Nations Committee Against Torture, which on 23rd November 2007 declared the taser x-26 to be an instrument of extreme pain, torture and Death. We believe it therefore follows that the use of this device is illegal in any nation that has signed the United Nations Convention Against Torture.
RESIST CARDIAC ARREST exists to educate the public and to attempt to influence politicians to ratify the UNCAT and ban all usage of stun-guns, cattle-prods and electric harpoons on Human Beings.
Due to the enormity of this task, we realize that it can only be achieved by international cooperation between various anti-taser groups and similar Human Rights organizations.
Evidence, writings and links to similar organizatioins can be found by simply searching the internet for: RESIST CARDIAC ARREST, or you can go directly to the website at: Public statements by RESIST CARDIAC ARREST are published in the free environmental newspaper 'The Limpet' available from and also syndicated via
RESIST CARDIAC ARREST is dedicated to the memory of all those killed by stun-guns. Please help publicize our work by circulating this message.
With respect and thanks,
Jeremy Schanche, RCA, Britain
Jeremy Schanche
Original article on IMC Bristol: