Obama Visits India - Hope for Bhopal?
hopeforbhopal | 07.11.2010 19:38
Obama rightly held BP accountable for the recent oil spill disaster - We now call on him to meet with the people of Bhopal who are still being poisoned 26 years after the Bhopal disaster.
He, quite rightly, held BP accountable for the recent oil spill disaster in the Gulf of Mexico and their liability is already estimated at $40billion.
The 1984 Bhopal disaster has NEVER been cleaned up. Toxic waste, dumped by the factory that caused the disaster, has contaminated the drinking water of many tens of thousands of people. They are being poisoned TODAY.
An American company, Dow Chemical, are legally responsible for this contamination. President Obama has elected the CEO of Dow Chemical, Mr.Andrew Liveris, to his 'India-US CEO forum'.
The people of Bhopal still HOPE for justice. Please circulate this image and please change your FB profile pic. for it...
download this image at hi-res: http://tiny.cc/6728w