The 1970s – New Events Announced
Randell Brantley | 04.11.2010 13:22
From Dagenham to Grunwick, Glam to Punk and Wilson to Thatcher.
Talks, films and music, 13 free events between Sunday 14th November and Tuesday 7th December 2010.
* “Make Them Grovel”: The 1976 West Indies Cricket Tour
* From The Ford Workers’ Group to Made In Dagenham
* The Asian Youth Movement
* Grunwick: The End Of An Era?
* Spies, Lies And The Coup: State Repression In The 70s
* Cry Freedom Concert
* How We Won: Strikes In The 70s
* Glam-Punk Disco Inferno
* The Anti-Vietnam War Movement
* Punk And The Pistols
* From Recruitment To Dialogue: How Does The Radical Left Relate To Workers?
* Italy In The 1970s: Bodies In The Street, A Tale Of A Country Like Ours
* “Can’t Do Nothin’ If You Ain’t Bad”‘: The League Of Revolutionary Black Workers
See you there!
Randell Brantley
Original article on IMC Bristol: