The Bath Vegan Fayre 2010: “Fayre Play”
Bath Animal Action | 05.09.2010 18:11 | Animal Liberation | Climate Chaos | Health
Pickings were slim though, at the end of the day, for the ever-energetic and patient volunteers, all expecting to take home leftover goodies: almost nothing remained. Better luck next year, vegan vultures!
Big thanks go out to Bute Island Foods, The Booja-Booja Company, Suma Wholefoods, Beanies Health Foods, The Vegan Society, Animal Aid, Viva!, Essential Trading Co-operative, Lush, Vegetarian Shoes, Plamil Foods, The Green Stationery Company, Mail Boxes Etc., staff at the Hobgoblin, DJ Ted, The Black Rat, Madame Hatter and indeed Bristol Animal Rights Collective.
Bath Animal Action
bathanimalaction [at]
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