Anyone from Bristol going to COP16 @ Cancun?
Landless peasant. | 31.08.2010 12:22
Two of us so far are planning to travel to Canucn to video-document COP16 and acquire as much useful footage as possible, interviews and the like etc.
Is there anybody else with DV or HD recording equipment thinking of attending?
Cancun - COP16 is the next 'round' and possibly the last chance we have to get some serious global action going towards halting and/or reversing man-made climate-change.
At least two Bristolians so far are planning to attend and to video-document as many of the summits participants as possible, prioritising Indigenous Peoples perspectives naturally as their traditional knowledge and natural wisdom transcends conventional first-world 'science', and IP's experience of sustainable living is something we can all learn from.
Is anybody else locally thinking about travelling to COP16 and would like to cooperate or collaborate towards getting more information on the climate summit proceedings 'out there' so that more of the worlds population can at least get to know more about it?
The international networking potentials of travelling to Cancun far outweigh the environmental impact of the flights we will obviously have to take to get there - IF after attending we get properly stuck in and work effectively post COP16.
This from todays Independent newspaper: Why failure of climate summit would herald global catastrophe: 3.5°
The world is heading for the next major climate change conference in Cancun later this year on course for global warming of up to 3.5C in the coming century, a series of scientific analyses suggest. The failure of last December's UN climate summit in Copenhagen means that cuts in carbon emissions pledged by the international community will not be enough to keep the anticipated warming within safe limits.
Two analyses of the Copenhagen Accord and its pledges, by Dr Sivan Kartha of the Stockholm Environment Institute, and by the Climate Action Tracker website, suggest that, with the cuts that are currently promised under Copenhagen, the world will still warm by 3.5C by 2100. Such a rise would be likely to have disastrous effects on agricultural production, water availability, natural ecosystems and sea-level rise across the world, producing tens of millions of refugees.
A month ago, in its annual State of the Climate report, published in conjunction with the UK Met Office's Hadley Centre, America's National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration (NOAA) listed 10 separate indicators of a warming planet, seven of them rising – ranging from air temperature over land and humidity to sea level – and three of them declining: Arctic sea-ice, glaciers, and spring snow cover. "The scientific evidence that our world is warming is unmistakable," NOAA said.
Landless peasant.
Original article on IMC Bristol: