ISM Speaker Tour by returning Activists
Phil Chase | 18.07.2010 16:22
ISM Speaker Tour
‘The current situation in the occupied West Bank’
Saturday 31st July: 6-9pm
‘The Black Kitten’ Radical Info Shop
(38 Stokes Croft, Bristol. Opposite Bristol Free Shop & Emporium Gallery)
Speakers Bridget and Ryan have just left Palestine after long stays in the West Banks working with the International Solidarity Movement (nine months and five months respectively). Whilst in Palestine they set legal precedents by arguing in Israeli courts whilst under arrest that the policy of raiding area A to arrest International activists was illegal. They have spent extensive time in Nablus and East Jerusalem, and will talk about their experiences there, as well more generally about post-Second Intifada political & social landscape of Palestine & Israel, & the rise of the one-state solution versus the rise of the Fayyad-government state-vision.
Queries: Phil 07769551146 (Poster not for Fly-Posting)
Food & Refreshments by donation will be available from 6pm and there will be a wealth of literature & resources on the subject of Palestine for information and campaigning purposes.
Phil Chase
Original article on IMC Bristol: