Rotherham Fascist Tom Holmes Viciously Assaulted
sheffieldlib | 13.07.2010 10:27 | Anti-racism | Indymedia | Social Struggles | Sheffield
Holmes bragging to friends & comrades about his autographed photo of his "idol"
The reason for the attack currently remains unknown as this is one event Holmes has not bragged about on his Facebook or to his comrades but the same source close to Holmes has stated that one of his attackers has a half-cast best friend.
After spending two days in Rotherham General Hospital returning to his home all Holmes had to say on his Facebook page was "It was an... interesting weekend!"
Holmes will need surgery to repair the fracture and it's not currently known if charges of ABH are being brought up against his attackers.
The self-styled "loyal-Griffinite" has drawn attention to himself over the past few months due to rants; ravings and questionable comments on Islam and repeatedly doom-saying a coming "British civil war" between "the British" and "the colonists" as he describes the scenario.
Unrelated to the attack, Holmes has stated to friends and comrades of the BNP that if Nick Griffin is forcibly ousted from leadership of the BNP he will quit the party - in his own words "Who the f*** is Eddy Butler? Nick Griffin for life! If anyone is to take over leadership it should be someone like Arthur Kemp. Nick goes, I go!"
Holmes was criticised by a fellow party member "Kevin Scott" for his comments replying back to his comment "Whatever happens, you should stay loyal to the BNP!"
After the criticism Holmes hinted at a splinter party placing himself in charge snarling "Not if we get some t*** for a leader that will turn their back on everything we've fought for in the name of Mr. Griffin! If we get someone sensible and who will stay true to the cause, then sure. But if not, I'm feeling a creation of "The Real BNP".
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