Alex Smith | 24.06.2010 05:33 | Ecology | Energy Crisis | Ocean Defence | Sheffield | World
A national Radio program has suggested this gusher will blow up the Gulf sea floor, leading to a devastating tsunami. Many fear a mass evacuation. Other bloggers cry millions will die!
I predict this well will not blow up the Gulf of Mexico, or the sea floor, or create a tsunami. If you check the sources for some of those ultimate fears, you find the likes of Richard C Hoagland on Coast to Coast AM, or Dr. Bill Deagle - both of whom believe that aliens, or alien-hybrids are running the show.
Instead, I phone up some real scientists and investigators for my latest Radio Ecoshock show "Danger Deep in Gulf".
You and your readers can help yourself to the 14 megabyte 1 hour program, as broadcast by 21 college and community radio stations, here:

Dr. Samantha Joye, University of Georgia, just returned from a scientific mission in the Gulf, verifying and measuring undersea oil and gas plumes. We get her report - plus I ask her whether she has seen evidence of Gulf floor fissures (no) or whether the methane coming up could explode (not without an ignition source - which is why she is against any attempt to bomb the well).
Then I talk with Mother Jones magazine Washington reporter Stephanie Mencimer. She has just written about fringe radio, and some in the Tea Party, who are convinced the Obama administration will use the Gulf disaster as a way to herd millions in the South into FEMA camps. The Coast Guard says they will have plans for evacuation - IF THERE IS A BIG HURRICANE. And how could they not? There are an estimated 35,000 workers on the cleanup - plus all the residents.
Finally, Dr. Michael Hershfield just finished testifying to Congress about the Gulf spill and the oil industry, on behalf of Oceana, the ocean conservation group where he is Chief Scientist. We go into the methane problem in depth - both what stays in the sea, and what makes it into the atmosphere.
At the end, we look briefly at a report that the Obama administration may have helped BP rush the Deepwater job - in order to have backup oil supplies, should a war with Iran endanger oil shipments from the Gulf. After all, BP is the largest single oil supplier to the U.S. military. Maybe it's true. Maybe the miscarriage of the well, and other cancellations, could stop another crazy war in the Middle East?
Anything is possible now. Even peace.
Read the partial transcript - LOADED WITH HELPFUL SUPPORTING LINKS - here:

Alex Smith
Radio Ecoshock

CREDITS: Song clip: "Sportsman's Paradise" by The Rambling Letters (adaptation of John Prine Song "Mr. Peabody's Coal Train" to the Gulf oil spill) from BBC World Live in New Orleans.
Brief clips from Coast to Coast AM with George Noory; and Dr. Bill Deagle, talking to Bill Ryan on the Project Avalon podcast June 16, 2010
Alex Smith