The people support the badger cull are going masked up, walking over peoples back garden and are getting th epolice to arrest people who are filming them. The people are being arrested for being on their own land and filming! The actions of these locals to save the badgers has delayed the cull.
Welsh assembly officials are complaining that locals have filmed them whilst they were on the land owned by the people doing the filming! Welsh assembly has made it the law that people have to allow people who have no identification and who are masked up onto their land. If they try to stop this the local Dyfed Police force will arrest them. Since when in this country have masked up staff from private companies been allowed to go into peoples gardens and land and even outbuildings without having to provide any ID as to who they are.
Many locals, including farmers, are fighting back and delaying the badger cull. The Welsh Assembly officials seem surprised that there is such support fo the Badgers.
The local police force budget has now become severly stretched... it is the locals who pay for this not the masked up private company staff.