14 Guards Hired as Protest Hits New Leicester Lab
National Anti-Vivisection Alliance (NAVA) | 05.05.2010 21:44 | Animal Liberation
We met at noon outside the main entrance to the new laboratory, but considering the response of 14 guards waiting we think they got wind we were coming. Despite this, a campaigner still managed to gain access to the construction site before being removed by the builders. Outside, we informed students and staff of the cruelty and scientific fraud currently ongoing inside Leicester and their plans to expand. Staff and students alike showed interest, whilst others were turned away from entering buildings by security due to new procedures put in place.
The Head Registrar came out to speak to campaigners and defend the new lab, however quickly left following awkward questions being asked about university researchers being funded by Leicester to conduct vivisection on primates and beagles at other facilities and a unit of the local hospital, which is also owned by UoL.
Folowing this, the group split up with some staying at the lab whilst others went round the campus to inform those attending the university about their construction project. Lots of attention was given by security staff escourting and kicking campaigners off the site whilst students looked on. The group then headed to the 2nd exit of the new lab site and gave a bombardment of questions to the builders, who have been told by Willmott Dixon to ignore the protests.
Our group of campaigners will be returning to the university of Leicester again in the near future.
National Anti-Vivisection Alliance (NAVA)
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