Pro Israel Protest destroyed in Glasgow
Southsidebhoy | 12.04.2010 11:47 | Anti-racism | Palestine | Terror War | World
Leaving protest disgraced with bagfulls of free fruit
The Zionists admitted it would have been easier to distribute the free fruit if we weren’t there. Many individuals accepted the free fruit but our activists explained to people the true origins of the fruit and many people returned the free fruit to the Israeli’s embarrassment. On numerous occasions members of the public gave the fruit to our activists who delivered it back to the Israeli activists. While walking to the Israeli’s fruit box to give back the free fruit our peace activists exclaimed loud, so many people on the very sunny busy byres road turned their heads learning that these formerly deceived members of the public would’nt accept these free fruits of oppression from stolen Palestinian land.
The fruit’s were dropped from high above crashing, creating a loud thud when it landed in the Zionists produce of Israel box. Their faces said it all. Despite their lame attempts to convince people it’s low cost and high quality for themselves to buy whenever.
When the SPSC activists tried to engage or talk with the Israeli Zionists they would ignore whatever was said. Claiming we were talking “nonsense” about telling people children in Palestine are used to pick produce mislabelled “produce of Israel”attempting to flout international law.
They ignored talking about the horrors of the holocaust and the similarities about what’s happening in Palestine. Members of the public said to them after what happened to you’s (jews) in the holocaust how could you’s do this to the Palestinians. The Palestine activists made it clear that they were against racism.
However another reason these Zionist Israeli’s were out was to apparently challenge the fact the 5 SPSC activists were found not guilty this week for lame racism charges for disrupting a musical performed by Israeli soldiers.

Thus destroying the Zionist aim in this country to criminalise anyone as being anti-semitic and racist for crtiticising the Israeli states action’s. These Zionists pictured here strongly believe it is anti-semitic to criticise Israel’s actions.
At the end of the day their lame pro israel protest actually helped us because they couldn't answer or ignored our questions in front of the misinformed public.
My favourite picture is the top one where the disgraced zionists were leaving with their bag fulls of free fruit which they couldn't even distribute.
we told members of the public that the boycott is doing “damage” in Scotland, even admitted from an israeli official.

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