Obama rushed to hospital
Mandy Davis | 24.03.2010 11:07
Pre existing
It is called “bought and paid for”.
Obama did not want a public option in his great and historic Health Bill.
Nor did he want to look after women’s rights which are basic Human Rights.
He does not believe in true universal healthcare that’s managed by we the people.
He was the number one recipient of health industry money in the Senate and when he was running for president, so I’m not surprised that he had very little interest in doing single payer.
His paymasters had ordered him to make the bill the way it is now.
The private insurance companies are still the ones in charge.
They’re still going to call the shots.
They’ve just been given another big handout by the government by guaranteeing customers.
And the insurance companies are going to find ways to trick up the system to get around it, to raise premiums.
The fine for them for denying somebody because they have a pre-existing condition?
One hundred dollars a day.
So if an insurance company has a patient who needs a $100,000 operation, what will they do?
Pay out the $100,000 operation because the law says you have to?
Or do you break the law but just get a $100-a-day fine?
After a year that would be $36,500 versus a $100,000 operation.
Go figure.
Pre-existing conditions are safe for the insurance companies.
Mandy Davis