Nottingham Freeschool Open Meeting - Sat. 20 March, 2-4pm, Sumac Centre
Nottingham Freeschooler | 17.03.2010 15:41
We share a commitment to education as a means of struggle and as a way of empowering communities. We have gained inspiration from past and current examples of education being used as part of a process of liberation and emancipation, and hope to do what we can to continue that legacy in Nottingham.
We hope to try and undermine and perhaps break down completely the roles of someone who teaches and someone who learns, instead creating an equal environment in which people can both share knowledge and engage in a collective process of creating new knowledge.
Having spent a couple of months running popular education workshops at various activist gatherings on subjects including radical education, 'Full Circle' political activism, as well as class and privilege, the Freeschool has reached a point where it is taking a step back to reflect and plan for the months ahead. We would therefore like to invite anyone with an interest in alternative or radical forms of education to come along and share their perspectives the possibilities for radical education in Nottingham.
Nottingham Freeschooler