As if we didn't know it already....SHACWATCH is run by bigoted homophobes. Their last "article" refers to Debbie Vincent as he/she. Clearly there are issues around transgender and homophobia within SHACWATCH. This comes under hate crime. Whoever is wrting this drivel [and we already know that they are extremist thugs] are writing homophobic remarks. Report them and ask for it to be removed.
It's bad enough that they have posted up the names and home addresses of activists. Now these extremist infiltrators from the MRC / HLS [CR-UK?] are making homophobic / transgenderphobic comments. They can barely read and write ...having made comments that "Lyn Sawyer can read" they then go on to ask "Were is SHAC?". However the important thing is that that they should not be allowed to get away with these homophobic remarks. Time to shut SHACWATCH down.
They have slandered people, lied and in real life bullied and harrassed activists. Many of us have an idea who it is....{All the Bradford posts should give you a clue} and it's about time these scum were booted out.
Homophobia is a hate crime.