Tonge and the Haitian Children
TongeLashing | 14.02.2010 19:20 | Culture
"To ask Her Majesty's Government how they are assisting the 37,000 pregnant women in Haiti to receive adequate antenatal and postnatal care and a clean and safe delivery."
Given the unfounded - and yet continuing - rumors of Baroness Tonge's history of molesting small children, especially those who have been disadvantaged from birth, this request comes dangerously close to appearing as if the Baroness is actively planning to create the next generation of victims for her allegedly perverted and sick desires.
As a public figure, Jenny Tonge must not only be above reproach, but must appear to be above reproach. This request shows a shocking lack of judgment on her part, and it only adds fuel to the fire of the unfair and yet never disproven rumors of her disgusting appetites.
She needs to come clean and prove the rumors wrong, for her own sake.
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