Phil Woolas answers your questions
Manchester No Borders | 02.02.2010 18:02 | Anti-racism | Migration
Tomorrow (Wednesday) at 12.30, anti-immigration minister Phil Woolas will
participate in a live webchat to answer questions on immigration, ID cards
and the UK Border Agency for the Manchester Evening News.
many of our friends, for the violent repression of the hunger strikes and
protests in Harmondsworth and Colnbrook, for the rise of anti-immigration
rhetoric in the Labour Party, for scaremongering and nationalism, for
draconian surveillance and the humanitarian crises at Britain's borders.
We have pied him, we have 'detained' him in is office, we have
demonstrated against him. Now Manchester No Borders are calling on all
those who have seen a friend deported, a community divided, a family torn
apart to put your questions and comments directly to him.
Register now at the link below and be online tomorrow at 12.30:
Manchester No Borders