the rise of the far right and anti-fascism: february 16th, sheffield
Anarchist Federation (Sheffield)/the Commune | 01.02.2010 12:52 | Education | Workers' Movements | Sheffield
The meeting takes place from 7pm on Tuesday 16th February at The Rutland Arms, 86 Brown Street, Sheffield S1 2BS. Email

(As you can tell from the long list of pieces, this is not compulsory reading for the discussion, just a list of articles that may be of interest!…)
Fascism/anti-fascism, by Gilles Dauvé
Anti-fascism in the 21st century – from Shift magazine
The European elections, the left and anti-fascism, by David Broder
The rising threat of the BNP: the underlying causes, its present nature and prospects, by Dan Jakopovich
British nationalism and the rise of fascism, by Chris Ford
Get this racist Jack Straw off the BBC, by The Commune
Fascism and democracy – two cheeks on the same arse - by Anarchist Federation
Bash the fash – by Anarchist Federation
Giving up No Platform?, a speech to the 2009 Anarchist Bookfair
Bash the fash, anti-fascist recollections 1984-1993 - by K. Bullstreet
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Anarchist Federation (Sheffield)/the Commune
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