Pat Robertson is probably the most odious and contemptible of all the right wing fascist US televangelists. His claim to have “healed” people from disease (for a fee) however not one case of his supposed miraculous healing power has ever been proven. Robertson has a special loathing for homosexuals and was a good friend of African dictators Mobutu (described as the biggest thief in history due to his looting of that country and Liberian warlord Charles Taylor (currently on trial for war crimes in that country). This article looks at Robertson’s latest pronouncements made on the Earthquake in Haiti. How it was the Haitians fault and the broader anti-scientific medieval superstitions which these people preach at times of natural disasters and the corrosive effect this has on the children that these people
After every major disaster now in the world it is almost guaranteed that some extreme right wing religious nutjobs will claim that this is an act of divine retribution for some perceived act that angered God. We saw this in 2005 when Gerhard Maria Wagner a bishop in Austria assured us New Orleans was being punished for the toleration of homosexuality by Hurricane Katrina. Bishop of Carlisle Graham Dow stated in 2007 that the floods in Yorkshire were God’s punishment for ignoring Biblical teaching. David Nalliah a controversial Australian religious leader said that the bush fires in Victoria State in Australia were due to that states abortion laws. Most famously of all the late Jerry Falwell a vulgar fraud and crook of the worst kind stated after 9/11 that America had deserved to be attacked by Islamic extremists blaming abortions, feminists, gays and pagans for turning away from god.
The latest pronouncement however has to be the most vile and racist of them all. Headbanger Pat Robertson that religious racketeer suggested just hours after the Haiti earthquake that Haitians were cursed by the devil every since Toussaint L'Ouverture overthrew colonial rule and abolished slavery. Haiti was the first nation to rid itself of slavery and colonialism. Robertson’s racist view of history can’t accept that those of had black skin could possibly stand up to colonialist oppressors and win.
The fact that all the natural disasters in the world as described previously can be explained by science seems of no consequences to any of these clerical lunatics. Christianity and fundamentalist Islam are two fascist dogmas. They may hate one another but they put their difference aside when it comes to fighting the true enemy- secularism. Both of these dangerous ideologies have a hatred of women and homosexuals, they despise freedom and have a pathological fear of knowledge