Banking Rip Off Iceland
Ilyan | 11.01.2010 22:05 | World
Some years ago that sum was upped to fifty thousand pounds by fiat of the British Government. We did not hear the Banks squealing then. Was there some secret deal afoot?
With the Tory and the Labour Parties sold out to the Capitalists the Bankers clearly ripped off everyone. The British Government was criminally incompetent in its management of Bank regulation. Good work done by FDR was undone by Regan and Thatcher so that rip off artists could thieve through the Stock Market and the Banks. Blair and Brown carried on Thatcher's policies in the UK.
When Thatcher cut the Tax rate the salaries of Directors and Managers soared. From twenty or thirty thousand a year to hundreds of thousands, then millions.
British taxpayers voted in New Labour so well deserve their losses, but the changes in British rules were nothing to do with Icelandic taxpayers and they should refuse to carry the burden foreign thieves are trying to put on them.