Violent clashes and riots against the dictatorship
Reroad | 27.12.2009 10:54 | Globalisation | Repression | Social Struggles
13:25 way from Sa'di Cinema to Paramount, all chanting against Khamenei.
Government forces are shooting bullets in the air and firing tear gasses
to the masses of people, but people continue to resist and clashes have
become quite serious. All routes leading to the “Shah-Cheragh” shrine are
under tight control. Security forces have also surrounded the Ghaba
Mosque, where Grand Ayatollah Seyed Ali Dastgheib's is expected to deliver
a speech.
13:20 Beitol Mehdi, the burial place of Ayatollah Pishva, has been
occupied by security forces. They are beating people and removing them
from the site by physical force.
13:10 Severe clashes outside the Polytechnic student residence
13:05 Clashes in Qom in front of montazeri & Sanei's houses.
13:00 Chaدting "Death to Khamenei!" ... "Prison rape? Was this written in
Quran too!?" ."This is the month of blood! Seyd Ali [Khamenei] is going
down."City of Najaf Abad, is all out war between people and Basij militia.
12:45 In a tragic incident, three people were killed and two others badly
injured in clashes that took place on College Bridge. According to a Jaras
reporter who was present at the scene, the three mentioned people were
shot dead by police forces, while the two other injured individuals were
brutally beaten and injured by plainclothes officers. Details of this news
to follow..
12:35 People leaving their house doors open to let people rest and take
refuge.Chanting: Basiji Hayaa Kon, Irani ro raha kon = Basij shame on you,
leave Iranians alone.
12:30 More than 3000 forces heavily armed settled at Azadi Sqr. CNN:
Something must change in Iran. People are chanting slogans in buses.
12:25 In order to control and suppress the protesters, government
helicopters have started flying in the skies of Tehran, particularly
overlooking the central part of the city.
According to reports received from Jaras News, protestors believe that the
sole purpose of these flying helicopters are to evoke fear, as the police
officials are well aware of the protestors’ whereabouts.
12:20 The people of Tehran have come out on various streets, with chants
directly targeting the regime. At present, people are on Azadi St,
Enghelab Sq, Ferdowsi Sq, Azadi Sq, the intersection of Eskandari & Vesal
Shirazi, Somayyeh St, the Bazaar, Hor Sq, Imam Hossein Sq and various
other points, and are chanting against Khamenei.
The chants that can be heard are as follows: "This month is the month of
blood, Seyyed Ali will be toppled!", "Death to dictato!”, "We are not from
'Koofeh' to support Yazid!", "Rape, Murder, down with this
Jurisprudence!", "Freedom for Political Prisoners!", “Dictator should
know, he will be toppled very soon", "Down with Khamenei", and many
12:20 Protestors are moving from Shohada, Nezam Aabad and Imam Hussain Sqr
towards Azadi Sqr. They are chanting “Khamenei is a murderer! His
leadership is illegitimate!” and “We are not from Koofeh (a holy city in
Iraq) to support Yazid (Khamenei)!” There are buses full of people
chanting slogans and moving towards other protestors.
12:15 People have stopped a bus on the Eskandari & Vasal-e Shirazi
intersection and closed off the street to prevent an attack by guards on
motorcycles. There have been people of all classes present at the
demonstrations today. Many have been families and children. Police forces
have launched attacks on the people but the city is practically under the
people’s control. The security forces have become undermined and many are
visibly afraid of the people.
12:11 Large group of protestors moving towards Enghelab St while chanting
12:10 Clashes in central Tehran have intensified, and people have taken
control of the alleyways surrounding Enghelab St. Ambulance sirens can be
heard all across the central part of the city, and smoke and fire have
covered the skies.Also, clashes have expanded from central Tehran to the
areas around Vali-Asr square and Hafteh-Tir.
12:07 The areas surrounding Enghelab Sq. and the Valiasr Intersection are
covered in thick smoke.People are being prevented from leaving Namjoo St.
in Tehran by the Basij and security forces. Many are being beaten by the
12:05 The security forces are filming the people and cars passing on the
streets. There are severe clashes on Valiasr St. and smoke has covered the
entire area. Ambulances pass frequently on the street.
12:00 People have mostly gathered in the small streets surrounding
Enghelab Sq and are making their way to the main street.The majority of
slogans today are being chanted against Khamenei. Clashes are underway
under the Hafez Bridge. Several Basijis have been severely injured by the
rocks thrown at them by the people.
11:55 There is a chance of severe clashes on Keshavarz Blvd. There have
not yet been sufficient police forces stationed on that street.
11:50 Keshavarz Blvd. in Tehran is now completely in the hands of the
people, who shout extreme chants against Khamenei.
11:46 According to Aljazira TV, police forces have lost control over
situation in Tehran.People are attacking bajij with stone. Clashes
continue at Imam Hussain Sqr.
11:45 Moments ago, a large group of protesters forced the police to
retreat outside of Daneshjoo Park In Vali Asr Street.The police has just
blocked Hafez St. in central Tehran. Clashes in Kharak St. have
intensified. Witnesses report that a massive crowd has gathered in the
11:40 Report of clashes in Shiraz, Isfahan, Ardebil.This is a real war,
people fighting with Sec forces and Plain clothes right now in Enghelab
St.Tear gas all over the place in Ferdowsi
11:35 Peopl chanting "this mnth is mnth of blood - Yazid(Khamenei) will be
toppled" in Ferdowsi Sq while tear gases were fired .All streets and
intersections are full of people, heavy clashes; motorbikes of Basij are
set on fire by protestors. People are being attacked by teargas.
11:32 Reports indicate that a large crowd gathered in Karim Khan St. is
currently headed towards Enghelab Sq. using Villa and Iranshahr streets.
Several people have been injured in clashes outside of AmirKabir
University and the crowd is being slowly dispersed.
11:30 The police have closed down Valiasr St. to prevent people from
reaching protests in Imam Hossein and Enghelab Squares.
11:28 People in masse are on streets. They are chanting: “don’t be scared
we are all together”, "Hojtolebne Hassan, end the root otf tyrant"
11:27 In the intersection of Hafez and Somayyeh streets, the number of
people has reached more than a thousand. Meanwhile, there is a mass of
people gathered quietly on Emam Hossein Sq. in complete silence and
without chanting any slogans.
11:25 Despite extensive security preparations by the military forces, a
large body of people have currently gathered in Enghelab St. in Tehran.
There are severe clashes underway in central Tehran between the people and
military forces, around the Valiasr intersection, the College Bridge and
the Daneshjoo Park.
A motorcycle belonging to the Special Guards was moments ago put on fire
by the people.
11:17 Security forces have attempted to scatter the crowd of protesters
through physical attacks as well as the use of tear gas on several
occasions. Meanwhile, BRT bus passengers have voiced their protests
against the crimes of the regime by chanting: “Today is a day of mourning!
Iran’s green nation mourns today!”
11:15 Heavy clashes in the Ferdowsi sq & Darvazeh dolat ,Security forces
chasing people in the alleys.Angry people chanting allaho akbar in Imam
Hossein Sq.Security forces beating people in the crossing Mazandaran st &
Imam Hossein sq
11:13 Shiraz: People are still headed towards the designated locations of
protest. A massive crowd can be seen but there has not yet been any
11:12 People are chanting "God is Great!" and "Our leader Abolfazl, get
rid of the dictator!"
11:11 People are being attacked by teargas at the religious places where
they are gathered.
11:10 Based on reports, a large number of special guards are currently
moving from Enghelab Sq. to Imam Hossein Sq., eastward from their current
11:07 A huge crowd has gathered on Dabire A'zam St. and Mossadeq Sq. in
Kermanshah and is growing by the minute. This is while the plain-clothes
and Basij forces ride their motorcycles along the streets carrying large
11:05 The police have attacked a group of protesters around Ferdosi Sq.
Heavy traffic has been reported around pol e choobi ( on Enghelab square)
11:00 police has attacked a group of protesters around Ferdosi square.
heavy traffic has been reported around pol e choobi ( on Enghelab square)
10:50 People are being attacked by forces for no reason. About 2000 people
gathered between Enqhelab and Imam Husain Sqr. Clashes reported at
17shahrivar Sqr.
10:45 Multiple unconfirmed reports coming in that people are being beaten
to death and Basij brutally cracking down.
10:35 Hundreds of security forces and Basij militia have stationed in
different parts of Tehran. These forces that the number of them grows with
time are mostly present in central Tehran in the Imam Hossein SQ to Azadi
SQ. This is the route where the Green protestors have planned to hold a
rally today on the anniversary of one of the most sacred Shia holidays
10:30 Plain-clothes forces are brutally beating people on 17 Shahrivar St
10:25 Severe clashes at Valiasr Intersection and Imam Hussein Square
10:20 They are not allowing people to gather and are dispersing people at
Imam Husain Sqr. They are beating people down to death. People are being
chased by Basij forces
10:10 There are many Basij members in the Enghelab alleys around Imam
Hossein Sq, Azarbayejan st, Valiasr intersection, Ferdosi Sq .Small groups
of people walking seperately in Damavand St to Imam Hossein Sq.
10:05 Plain-clothes and military forces are scattered around Emam Hossein
and Enghelab Squares. They are being moved around by minivans.
10:00 Special brigades deployed to protect Khamenei Residence.In Tehran,
heavy security presence. Riot police, IRGC, Basij all on full
alert.Extensive military presence in the central city of Tehran

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