Israel to be put back in its box at pre ’67 borders.
Jim Crow | 24.12.2009 17:56
The Ayatollahs in Tehran were brought them down from their high horse and shown just how tenuous their grip on power was.
The Ayatollahs got ready to co-operate, post-haste, with their fellow corrupt Sunni Arab states - as a matter of survival.
The first move was by Iran who sent the speaker of parliament, Ali Larijani, to Cairo bearing gifts and all reasonableness.
Mubarak was astounded and travelled immediately to the major Arab states to spread the message - which was accepted.
Iran was back in the fold.
Israel and America were left as the Godless outsiders they are.
While Iran has Arab support - Israel and the US dare not attack.
One problem solved for Iran.
No return of the Messiah anytime soon.
So now the Arabs also move to sort the Israeli/Palestinian problem.
The Arab peace plan of 2002 was ignored and dismissed for years by the US and Israel.
Now the Arabs will make peace, over the heads of both Israel and America.
Egypt, Saudi Arabia, the Gulf emirates and the Palestinian Authority are drafting a UN Security Council motion granting Palestinian statehood within the pre-1967 war borders of the West Bank and Gaza Strip with Jerusalem its capital.
Obama cannot veto this.
Israel has being caught in the dumb-dumb position.
It failed to move and make its own peace while it had the advantageous opportunity.
Now Israel will have to take what it can get.
The legendary patience of the Arabs has run out.
And about time, too.
Jim Crow