Aberdeen Students protest against cuts,privatisation & increasing tuition fees
Buther McLisset | 11.12.2009 18:54 | Education | Social Struggles
The whole group of people present was ushered into a meeting room to discuss our concern with the aptly named vice-principal for research and commercialisation met with us and engaged a one and a half hour meeting where all our anger, concerns, experiences and fears were presented to the vice principle who in all fairness was responsive and noted down all our key demands and arguments to be presented before the next management meeting and to the principle himself. All in all the day was a success considering the infancy of the group. The ball is in the universities court now as we have made our demands heard and taken it to the top of the university system. However it is no justification for feel good complacency as the University formulises its response. The struggle to keep education open to all and defend staff’s jobs will be an ongoing one, especially in this neo-liberal crisis. We recognise this as a wider struggle that will inevitably affect all public education from primary to University level which means branching out, to include primary and secondry schools.
United we can win.
Buther McLisset
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