Photos from Climate Emergency Rally/March 5th December
Ian | 07.12.2009 18:04
John McDonald - speaking on Heathrow
Caroline Lucas - rallying a call to action
John Stewart - demand the impossible
The Bolivian Ambassador
Chris Baugh PCS union - a million climate jobs
Placards and a ballon
One million jobs - Grosvenor Square
Flat Earthers
The speakers at the rally were passionate and very clear that the situation is now critical and all of us need to do what we can to ensure that the issue is taken seriously and immediate action on a huge scale follows before it is too late.
The rally’s key demands were
* Declaration of a Climate Emergency
* 10% cuts by end 2010
* A million green jobs by end 2010
* Ban domestic flights
* 55 mph speed limit – scrap the roads program.
* End Agrofuel use.
These demands were clearly visible on Saturday as hundreds of demonstrators held aloft the Climate Emergency placards
The march was lively and good humoured - there were some random messages from people keen to promote 'climategate' - 'flat earthers'?
The were lots of banners, placards, painted faces etc.
What we need now is for the politicians to deliver at Copenhagen ..?
There will be a series of events in Nottingham on Saturday 12 in solidarity with people from cities from 107 countries around the world - 'the Global Day of Action' - see you in the Market Square at noon. Please bring banners, placards, your friends and something to make our voices heard.