would you be interested in saving 10% off your purchase?
Lara Abdel-aziz | 07.12.2009 00:00 | Analysis
Many stores are now offering discounts and many other good deals at till point, but as always there is a catch. You have to apply for a score card in order to get these benefits
Benefits may include offers such as 10% off your purchase only if the store card is accepted. Other store cards offer a reward scheme, where for every pound you spend you get a point on the card and for every 100 points you receive a voucher.
However it has come to many shoppers attention that sales assistants don't know much about what it is that they are making customers sign up for. Many sales assistants don't know the difference between a store card and a rewards card. Many often deny the fact that the store card is in fact a credit card.
Many shoppers are being tricked into opening these cards. Customers don't always know what it is their signing up for, and sales assistants don't always know what it is that they are making customers sign up for.
Sales assistants are constantly pushed by managers into opening these cards and are not always given the appropriate training about what these cards are.
In some ways customers feel forced into opening these cards. Sales assistance doesn’t always allow customers to see the form unless it is passed to them to sign.
Shoppers should always know what it is that they are signing up for and never sign a document unless they are completely satisfied that they understand what it is that their signing for. Shoppers should also make sure that they know where and who their details are being sent to.
Lara Abdel-aziz