Nottingham plans for COP 15
Eastside climate action | 04.11.2009 21:31 | COP15 Climate Summit 2009 | Climate Chaos
- Supporting Nottingham people going to Copenhagen, through help with fundraising, practical stuff and legal support.
- Getting together with local networks who are working on issues around the Climate Change summit and supporting events.
- Linking the East Midlands Vegan Festival (Sat 12th) to Climate Change and COP 15.
- Food and bike related outreach to talk about what's going on over there and its effects over here.
If your interested in these issues, you might be interested in a meeting happening on Thursday 12th November at the Mechanics (N Sherwood Street) - 'How Can We Make Copenhagen Work?'
A bunch of people from Eastside Climate Action will be continuing the conversation afterwards and making plans.
Eastside climate action
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