Gaza: Israeli soldiers go unprosecuted - War usa-israel
Carlos Niebla | 22.10.2009 10:33 | Guantánamo | Anti-militarism | Globalisation | Terror War | Cambridge | Oxford
War usa israel .....
War-USA-Israel - Gaza: Israel.Soldiers...
War-USA-Israel - Gaza: Israel.Soldiers...
In December of 2008, a 14-year-old boy, Y.M. was allegedly shot in the head with a rubber bullet by a member of the Israeli forces. Though the boy survived, his injuries were severe and Yesh Din brought the case to the MPCID. At this time, there has been no investigation of the incident.
Such slow processing makes it unlikely that justice will be served. Lior Yavne, Yesh Din's research director, explains, "When cases are stuck in the pipeline for so long, even if [the MAOA] decides to prosecute, the memory of the witnesses may have deteriorated—it makes the work for the defense attorney very easy." Additionally, as time passes, forensic evidence might be damaged or may disappear altogether, hindering the investigation.
Yesh Din's 2008 report, "Exceptions," found that from 2000 to 2007, only six percent of the 1,246 files opened by the MPCID ended in indictments. In only 40% of the cases—less than half—were criminal investigations pursued. During the same eight year period, "Exceptions" states, over 2000 Palestinian civilians were killed in incidents that were not related to combat. Up to the time of the release of the report, there had been 13 indictments with only five soldiers convicted.
Michael Sfard, Yesh Din's legal adviser, comments, "When the decision whether to open an investigation drags on for months, there is no chance the investigation will bear fruit; when the decision whether to indict drags on for years, there is no chance of a just trial. The result is that the [Israeli forces] and the state of Israel are derelict in their obligation to defend the human rights of the residents of the Occupied Territories."
Você leu Michel Foucault, não? * Então o que você esta esperando?Ele é a chave da evolução dos humanos. historia da loucura,nascimento da clinica,as palavras e as coisas,arqueologia do saber,a ordem do discurso,eu Pierre riviére,a verdade e as formas jurídicas,vigiar e punir,historia da sexualidade,em defesa da sociedade,os anormais... A luta pela evolução dos humanos não para jamais.
Picture: War-USA-Israel - Gaza: Israel.Soldiers...
Carlos Niebla