Netanyahu refuses to set up Israeli investigation
P. Aston | 21.10.2009 19:50
Israeli bullet hole,look at this picture if you can
The order from Binyamin Netanyahu follows a special cabinet meeting on Tuesday to discuss Israel's response to the UN's Goldstone report, which condemned Israel's actions during the 22-day attack on Gaza earlier this year.
The meeting also called for the formation of a special committee to deal with the international legal consequences of the report and the prospect Israeli officials could face war crimes trials abroad.
The Israeli government contends international law needs to be amended in order to fight global terrorism.
One of the main amendments he wants is that civilians can be slaughtered, en mass, whenever a more powerful nation decides to attack a weaker one and not be brought up on war crimes charges.
Netanyahu thinks he does not need other nations or their advice to start an investigation into Israel’s war crimes in Gaza. “We don't need them. They'll never see things our way, no matter what. Let them go. We're moral, our enemies are out to exterminate us along with our state, that's all you need to know. No modifications or investigations necessary. Stay the course. Concede nothing. Ease no siege. Give no ground. Ever. We will win in the end.”
The problem is that Israel will not overcome this one [The Gaza war crimes] because Netanyahu is too dumb to set up the required investigation.
He does not realize, because he and the Israelis who voted for him believe their own propaganda and think Israel has a good name somewhere.
They are wrong as Israel’s name is in the mud everywhere.
Even a ‘guilty verdict’ at a proper Israeli investigation into their own war crimes in Gaza could not diminish Israel’s name or standing now.
That is how low they have sunk.
Look at the picture above, if you can.
P. Aston