Transition Town Worthing announces The End of Suburbia film event
Transition Town Worthing | 14.09.2009 13:11 | Climate Chaos | Ecology | Energy Crisis | South Coast
As energy prices soar, how will our oil-dependent society react to the dramatic changes ahead? Will our suburbs of today become the slums of tomorrow? The End of Suburbia will challenge the way you think about how we live and what we need to do now to create a resilient future.”
Transition Town Worthing is working to raise awareness in the Worthing area on the issues of climate change and the end of cheap oil. The Transition movement does not aim to blame anyone or campaign against anything. It is about being aware of the challenges ahead and focusing on local solutions.
Within climate change and peak oil is the potential for the greatest economic, social and cultural renaissance we have ever seen. And we can approach it creatively! Transition asks what sort of future do we want, and how are we going to get there? We want Worthing to be a part of this exciting movement. If we plan and act, we can help shape the future; if we don’t plan, change will happen anyway. Politicians don’t have all the answers, and local communities working together can provide local solutions.
Over the past century, our communities have lost many practical skills and local resilience, instead looking to the global economy to provide for essential needs. Transition sees people as the solution rather than the problem. What can we do locally in Worthing to produce food and energy solutions? How are we going to travel and work? What skills need to be learned (or re-learned) to cope with the prospects of less available energy and a changing climate? Rather than having all the answers to these questions, Transition is about the local community working together to address our 21stcentury challenges.
The End of Suburbia screening event will include an introduction to Transition Town Worthing and the Transition movement, as well as the opportunity for discussion after the film. Transition Town Worthing will be screening other awareness-raising films over the coming months, and would like to encourage as many local people, businesses and organisations to see them.
The End of Suburbia - Sunday 27th September, at the Sidney Walter Centre, Sussex Road, Worthing. Arrive 7pm for 7.30pm film screening, until 10pm. Suggested donation of 」3 entry. Licensed bar.
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Transition Town Worthing