Leeds in Rubbish Crisis: Tesco says "Bring It Back"
Dusty McRaker | 10.09.2009 04:41 | Sheffield
Together we can beat the Rubbish Crisis!
Dusty McRaker
Operations director, Tesco Yorkshire
Tesco announces "Bring It Back" scheme to ease Leeds' Rubbish Crisis
Here at Tesco we love to say, "Bring It Back!" whether we're talking about The Beatles recordings
being re-released and back on our shelves, our customers bringing back their empties to our bottle-
banks or even on the rare occasions that you're not satisfied with your purchase - you Bring It Back and
we won't quibble.
We're proud of our Corporate Social Responsibility Strategy and we're happy to be a part of the
communities where we do business. That's why, starting from Thursday 10 September 2009, all Tesco
stores in the Leeds area will be responding to the needs of the local community by providing extra
rubbish collection facilities in the car parks at all our shops and supermarkets, including Tesco Metro,
Tesco Express and Tesco Extra sites.
This is our way of saying "Thank You" to all of our shoppers. We were saddened when we heard that
Leeds City Council's refuse collection services were being stopped this week due to irresponsible strike
action. Here at Tesco, all of our stores receive deliveries in huge trucks that drive away empty, so we
though, "Why not collect up some of our communities' rubbish to fill them up again?"
With this simple gesture, we are happy to take responsibility for our contribution towards the huge
problem of urban waste management. As you might have heard, we package our goods so carefully that
for every carrier bag that our customers carry away, 37% of the contents are literally rubbish. For years
our communities have had to deal with this waste material without our help, but now it's time to redress
the balance. So here's what we want you to do...
* Pass this message on to your friends and colleagues at work, either by forwarding it as an email or
printing it out - we'll need to help each other through this Rubbish Crisis
* Put all of your rubbish into black bags (you can buy them at Tesco)
* Bring your rubbish to your nearest Tesco in the Leeds area
* Because this is an emergency response to the Rubbish Crisis, we haven't got any fancy signs for the
rubbish collection points. So just put all your black bags right outside the main entrance to the store,
and our trucks will pick it up from there
* If you or any of our staff have any questions about the "Bring It Back" scheme, please call the
numbers below for more information.
For all queries please contact our customer relations team on 0113 249 7457, 0113 248 7983 or 0113
203 8462 quoting press release reference number 09/01995/FU
Every little helps!
[pdf press release attached]
Dusty McRaker
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